Monday, March 22, 2010

Three Reasons

Why Mondays aren't all that awful! :)

Reason The Firstest ::

Spring springing back outside after all that sudden snow!  A little the worse for wear, perhaps, but still holding out!  Click for fullview and take a look at the smaller ones.  The Little Green Machinery [[camera]] makes me look like I know what I'm doing! :)

Reason The Secondest ::

A Brand-New Shiny Moleskine!  AYIIII!  It's.  So.  Awesome!  (Big thank you to You Know Who You Are!!)  :)

Reason the Thirdest but Not Leastest ::

A Gee-Or-Geous Valse Melancolique by this dude, Vladimir Rebikov, I never heard of before but DANG it is GORGEOUS! Love it!  So prettyful.

Unofficial Reason (Shhh!) ::  Singing a billion Broadway songs when nobody else is home!

AMZi x x x x x


  1. Who's the Valse Meloncholique by? Piano piece, right?

    Is that its correct spelling?



  2. Have a great Tuesday as well .

  3. Great pictures, love the mosaic and the way your blog is looking,

    take care and enjoy the rest of the week,

    Nina x


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