Saturday, September 4, 2010

Long Weekend

I can't tell you how excited I am!  Sleeping in, no work to go to this morning, no classes on Monday, I tell ya...  I foresee knitting, reading what I want to read, listening to lectures I want to listen to, getting outdoors in this AMAZING weather, piano, guitar...and mountain dulcimer... :)

I mentioned the weather, yes?  The weather is amazing at the moment!  Chilly-ish in the morning, warm by the time you want to go out, so gorgeous.  And the air, it smells like fall or something.  It makes me crazy.  :)

Ooh, speaking of crazy, I think I might write this weekend...or draw, I'm not decided.  A big list of want-to-do's are piling up in my mind, and when they hit full Creativity Potential I think they'll all get done in a huge wave...

In the meantime I'll stay in bed an extra hour.  Ha ha ha.  :)
AMZi x x x x x

1 comment:

  1. The weather IS gorgeous out. I'm going to dust off my hammered dulcimer and mandolin, I hope! And play my violin with a recently re-haired bow. Yay!


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