Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Raining, It's Pouring

The old man is snoring.
The supermarket lights went out.
They blamed it on a thundercloud.

I've been gone all morning, being productive and efficient (not) at various department stores searching for clothes.  How I abhor shopping!  Then there was cleaning to be done, lots of it, before we all madly rush about trying to get ready for Good Friday service tonight.  Pant, pant, pant.

And in between, all these little thoughts whirring around my head, wanting to shape themselves into blog posts, with no time for the shaping.  So it's a little post today, with a Raincheck.  No pun intended, actually.  Snigger.

I spotted this earlier and managed a quick sniping of pictures ::  A maple whirligig seed that got a little mixed up...  Maple Seed :: You're not my mama!  Redbud :: No indeed!

Ack, me duele la cabeza [[my head hurts me]] muchly.  I must away to be even more productive and efficient for a few more hours.  So I leave you with a few mental images of my day.

Picture me perched on the edge of the bathroom vanity, dusting the light fixture with surgical precision.

Picture me cooing over the wellies in stock now at Target, especially these Liberty wellies that have made it all the way across the pond.  Unfortunately, people with feet as big as mine can't wear wellies because we tend to flatten colonies and occasionally small villages with our footsteps....

Picture me trying on the 4-5-6-inch-plus wedge heeled shoes in said shoe department for the entertainment and benefit of la hermanita.  Do NOT picture me falling down and breaking my head!

Seems I'm not getting any more comments and very little traffic.  Sadness. The novelty of amAMZIng! has worn off, I suppose.  Oh well.  Visitors, if you do visit, I'll still be here!

And Visitors, I've just joined Delicious, the networking bookmarking thingie with Yahoo! so if you're on there, comment and leave me your username, or look me up as amamzing.  :)

AMZi x x x x x


  1. I'm still reading! I'm just a lousy commenter...don't stop! :)

  2. How long were the lights off in Target?

    Did you buy said shoes?? XD


  3. DUDE, KIPPY IS STILL HEEEERE. I haz not deserted yoosa. And dude, this weather pwns mah soul. XD Happy Easter, by the by.


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